
Manual web part installation

  1. Download the latest package from here.

  2. Visit your Office 365 SharePoint Admin Center.

  3. Go to More Features > Apps

  4. Click “App Catalog.”

  5. Click on the Apps for SharePoint link in the quick launch.

  6. Click Upload and select the sppkg file.

  7. Check the box for Make this solution available to all sites in the organization and click the Deploy button.

  8. The web part will now be available once editing a page.

  9. Create a blank site page.

  10. Add the 4Mata web part to a single column section.

  11. Edit the web part properties and add your subscription number.

  12. Start designing!

If your App catalog library does not appear in classic mode, please change this option in library settings > advanced or click return to classic SharePoint in the bottom left corner of the screen.

The 4Mata web part will take over the full width of the site page. We recommend using a blank site page for this web part.

Auto Deployment

Microsoft App Source Deployment

Last updated